Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mumbai Pune shutdown for the bye-elections

This must be the stupidest decision ever, to force everyone to shut down all work on voting day so people can vote. I will bet on fewer votes.

Enforcement achieves exactly the opposite of its purpose. By forcing people to vote you will find fewer people voting. As everything will be shut people will go out of town or settle in at home n spend time with family watching TV. Why not shut down TV too? Why must these decisions be taken on our behalf by the State? The conscientious voter will vote in any case. Others won’t. The important thing is to ensure decent candidates. Do we have them? The answer is by and large a resounding no. Whats worse the Govt and the EC are not ready to give us a NOTA option so that we can show our disgust for the candidates fielded. Actually the NOTA option helps political parties to know what kind of candidates people want. It strengthens democracy You cant dump idiots n rascals on us n then shut down everything n force us to go out n vote for one of them. Not on. We are not fools. I disagree that idiots are those who don't vote and later complain. What choice do we get? Its better we don’t vote and show our contempt. The danger with not voting is that someone else will go n vote for you in your name. Voting numbers wont drop to show public apathy. I'd much rather go watch a movie or sit in Crossword and read a book on that day. But the Govt has killed both options. A long drive?

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