Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Liberhan report - Does anyone bother???

What an anti climax the whole liberhan thing is. All those proclamations, sweeping comments, and no specific recommendations. The action taken report is also academic, speaks of a new communal law, oof..all this after 17 years? 

All it turned out to be was some sensationalism for some of the news channels. By the way, who leaked the Liberhan report? Couple of days back, the Indian Express quoted home ministry sources. So does this mean Chidambaram leaked it? Chidambaram is a fmr Express columnist but I doubt he still functions in a journalistic capacity for the paper and would leak report. Now that report tabled, Liberhan uproar could blow PM's Obama moment off the front page. If I was the government of India, I would ask Liberhan for my money back. 17 years, 9 crores spent and complete rubbish produced. Do commissions of inquiry serve any purpose apart from giving homes and cars to retired judges for many years? I am beginning to wonder. 

Given lack of depth in Liberhan report any moderately informed journalist could have churned it out the week after the demolition. There may now be a case for spontaneous demolition of bogus commissions of inquiry. 

How quickly we forget! Its not just 26/11. Madhu Koda is yesterday's news. So is Raja's Rs 60,000 cr scam. Azharuddin is now in Lok Sabha News is what happens today. What happened yesterday is history. What happens tomorrow is nobody's business.

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