Friday, October 15, 2010

Tunnel Vision


Why do people stare down the subway tunnel to see if a train is coming? It doesn't make the train go any faster. There is some element of comfort in being able to expend the effort but it makes no rational sense.

A similar dynamic comes into play when executives and employees of public companies have a browser set to Yahoo! Finance or their favorite discount broker's web site. They keep pushing the reload button - their attention fixed to the squiggles of the company's stock chart. Completely irrational - it doesn't make the stock rise any faster.

Keep your eyes off the stock charts, focus on what matters. Deliver a remarkable product with incredible service. Take in more money than you spend. Tell a story that resonates and nurture the brand. Treat everyone with respect. Sell like a virtuoso and give the world an astonishing gift. Execute with impatience but wait for rewards with a patient, long arc.

Your train, your stock price, and you yourself will arrive in due time.

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