Thursday, January 14, 2010

Leadership - Look Where No One Else is Looking


Part of being a good leader is building a great team. This implies judgment and understanding what functional skills and personality traits are needed.

When you're looking to find and hire great talent, you ought to think of hiring as a marketing exercise. You should seek to stand out from the crowd. In fact, you shouldn't even be near the crowd.

Most employers and average job hunters all congregate in the same places. There are a few dominant online job boards everyone goes to. Naukri, Monster, Jobstreet, JobsAhead - they look different but work much the same way. Employers go to these destinations to post job openings and descriptions because that's where all the job hunters go. Job hunters go to sift through all the job postings because that's where all the employers are posting.

The problem with these systems is that they are designed for you to conform to a process. You cannot help but look average, just another employer in the monstrous crowd.

If you want superior candidates instead of average candidates, do something different. A few suggestions:

1. Blog about new job openings - If you don't have a company blog, go start one now. If you do, the regular readers of your blog will be great candidates or will know great candidates they could forward the openings to.

2. Check your data - Who buys a ton of your stuff? Who is a loyal customer? Bring them in for informal chats. You might find a devoted employee in the select group.

3. Check your customer service department - Who is always complaining about your stuff? Who is a problem customer? Who keeps giving your call center folks a hard time? Bring those people in, they may have some solutions in mind, give them a chance to prove they're right.

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